Typography conventions definitely have their place in the foundations of design, but people need to take what they need from those basic principles of layout, grids, colour, focal-point and margins and build upon them. Even those who chose to think outside the square and create something shockingly new still had thought processes about these conventions and unconsciously employed them in order to "break the rules."-like David Carson and Ray Gun Magazine
I consider myself a bit of a thinker when comes to where things originated. Like how did they know the odd shaped fruit such as passionfruit, with its seedy contents, was safe to eat? Im sure they had some trial and error where people became ill from trying certain inedible foods, but with experimentation and risk their would be know success and evolution. If no one took a risk, we would not even have the conventions or rules to apply in the first place.
In contemporary society, everyone is trying to push the envelope, whether that be attracting new demographics, retaining existing customers, shock the user, create new possibilities and statements, deliver the message more effectively, creatively or efficiently.
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